How can I start ordering the ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring Program for my patients?
Ordering ForeseeHome for your patients is easy. Click here to let us know you would like to become a ForeseeHome referring partner.
Or you can contact our Practice Engagement specialists at 1-855-600-3112 or practiceengagement@notalvision.com to become a ForeseeHome referring partner.
Once completed, you can order ForeseeHome using the online portal or by filling out and sending the ForeseeHome Order Form, which will be provided along with patient education materials.
Are there any fees or costs to my practice?
The Notal Vision Monitoring Center offers the ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring Program at no cost to practices. The Medicare-covered service is billed directly to patients on a monthly basis. The Notal Vision Monitoring Center manages the entire process, from benefits verification and device provisioning to training and continuous monitoring. Practices are not responsible for storing equipment or training patients on how to use the device.
How does a patient enroll in the ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring Program?
Once you refer your patient to the Notal Vision Monitoring Center with a ForeseeHome order, our engagement team works directly with your patient to complete the enrollment process. Learn more about the program here.
How does my patient obtain the ForeseeHome device?
Once your patient is referred to the Notal Vision Monitoring Center, we work directly with your patient to complete the enrollment process. The Notal Vision Monitoring Center manages everything from benefits verification and device provisioning to training and continuous monitoring. Practices are not responsible for storing equipment or training patients on how to use the device.
Will I need to supply any medical records for my patients after referral?
Should your patient need a prior authorization for coverage, we may need progress notes to submit to the patient’s Payor. These requests are generally few and far between.
In the event your patient has an alert while on the monitoring program, the Notal Vision Monitoring Center will work with your designated staff to secure any needed post examination records. As a Medicare and HIPAA covered entity, exchange of health information is allowed between entities.
How can I see my patient’s results?
Once your patient is enrolled in the ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring Program, you and your designated staff can view their testing results at any time through our HIPAA-compliant Eye Care Professional Portal.
How is my practice alerted of changes in a patient’s results?
Each patient’s test results are compared to the patient’s personal baseline, which is established after a patient receives the device and begins testing. When a patient’s test results indicate a statistically significant change to their baseline, an alert will trigger the Notal Vision Monitoring Center to review the results. An alert email is then sent to the designated recipients at the practice. All alert emails are sent with “read receipt” and if a read receipt is not received, we will call the practice to inform them of the alert.
Can I have a ForeseeHome demonstration device in my office?
Yes. The Notal Vision Monitoring Center can provide referring partners with a demonstration device for display in your office at no charge. Please contact your Account Manager or Practice Engagement at 1-855-600-3112 or practiceengagement@notalvision.com to request a demonstration device.
Can I get brochures or other materials to share with interested patients?
Yes. Once you become a ForeseeHome referring partner, the Notal Vision Monitoring Center ships patient educational brochures and materials to your office. We also offer an online Practice Resource Center that provides practices with tools and resources to help market your practice as a ForeseeHome referring partner, as well as the ability to order more patient materials.