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Doctors Give ForeseeHome High Marks

February 2024

We recently asked our referring doctors “how likely are you to recommend ForeseeHome to other physicians for their patients” as part of our outreach to determine our Net Promoter Score®, or NPS®. The NPS measures customer experience and is a core indicator used by customer-centric companies around the world.

Here are the highlights from our most recent NPS survey:
  • We scored a 53, which is considered a high score on the NPS scale (see image below)

  • 92% of currently referring doctors (including retina specialists, comprehensive ophthalmologists, and optometrists) responded as passive or loyal promoters of the ForeseeHome AMD Monitoring Program, with 62% rating us a with a 9 or higher (out of 10).
  • Our NPS rose over 40 points from our last survey cycle in 2020, with more than double the response rate to the 2023 survey

In addition to the traditional NPS survey question, respondents were able to provide feedback regarding our programs and services. The top two reasons doctors refer their patients to the Notal Vision Monitoring Center for ForeseeHome are:

  1. The clinical benefit of the program over standard of care alone
  2. The program gives doctors greater comfort in the management of their intermediate AMD patients' care.

Remembering to refer patients for ForeseeHome proved to be challenging for doctors, as well as the lack of reimbursement and the number of "false positives". While we are working on ways to keep ForeseeHome top of mind for our referring doctors, we rolled out the NRich Registry last year to provide financial and clinical value for practices.

A sub-analysis of the recent ALOFT study showed that non-exudative alerts ("false positives") are a strong indicator of future conversion and can help with more informed, vigilant care for these patients.1 Non-exudative alerts help identify very high-risk patients, keep patients tethered to a practice, support qualified referrals to retina specialists for treatment, and provide an additional billable visit, with added compensation for sharing standard-of-care data through the NRich Registry with the Notal Vision Monitoring Center.

Learn More About the NRich Registry

Click Here


1. Ho AC, Schechet SA, Mathai M, Reddy S, Elman MJ, Garfinkel RA, Ladd B, Wagner AL, Sanborn GE, Jacobs JH, Busquets MA, Chew EY. The predictive value of false positive ForeseeHome alerts in the ALOFT study. Ophthalmology Retina. 2023 Feb;7(2):196-198.

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